
Say YES to Everything!

Say YES to Change Say YES to Everything! That was the advice my mother shared with me 17 years ago, as I was divorcing my then husband.  Bringing our 20-year relationship to an end. Why did she tell [...]

By |March 2nd, 2023|

Holy Moly! That’s another week gone!

Holy Moly! That’s another week gone! I love writing material for my blog and I really do try my hardest to do this in a timely fashion each week, but writing blog content is not all that I love – [...]

By |February 27th, 2023|

Narcissistic behaviour is NOT acceptable – EVER!

Never accept narcissistic behaviour Narcissistic behaviour is NOT acceptable – EVER! What do I know about narcissism? To be truthful, I only discovered the term in recent years, but when I did, I recognised it.  It's been in [...]

By |February 17th, 2023|
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