Old Hunstanton beach – perfect for Walk & Talk coaching
Getting Inspired
There really is inspiration all around us if we’re open to receiving the messages that are constantly being sent. All too often we can get far too busy to see them though.
One of my lovely friends posted on social media yesterday how she’d planned to keep on posting whilst away on holiday and how ultimately, she chose not to, and to take some time out as she was ‘exhausted mentally’, because of the effort she’d been putting into her work over the last few months. She was only away for a few days, however, whilst she was relaxed, enjoying her life, going with the flow, and letting go of any expectations of outcome she had 4 new clients sign up to work with her in a week. She’s now stacked up until June – magical stuff, and as she said,
‘I should do nothing more often!’
When we keep pushing against the flow, we’re making life difficult for ourselves as we simply keep receiving more of the same. When we let go, that unseen energy that is all around us can flow more freely, and when we’re in that relaxed, receiving energy it flows towards us.
Despite believing this was the case and that
‘everything is working out wonderfully’
I struggled with this approach tremendously last year and yet, when I was forced to let go through near on breakdowns (Gareth said they were – I saw them as major blips) and just surrendered and released any control over the outcome I desired stuff naturally fell into place.
In fact, overwhelm, breakdowns and the like are a point of breakthrough, an opportunity to clear out that wound that has festered and that needs completely cleaning and healing. It’s an opportunity to start afresh, and to do things differently.
I often use the analogy of creating a pot on a wheel – you keep throwing on the clay to build up the pot which you then need to carve away and reduce again to create the form you desire. And sometimes you just need to clear it all away and start again.
All we have is learning and opportunities.
‘Life is an illusion of our own creation.’
What we perceive we believe, and then attract into our lives.
When you create space and take time to listen, you can tune in and pick up the information you need to hear. It’s important that you then act upon it. Stuff doesn’t just happen – we need to respond to it too.

Sarah J Naylor, The Norfolk Coastal Coach – Free to Be Me!
Healthy Mind, Body, & Spirit
When you create space and take time to listen, you can tune in and pick up the information you need to hear. And then it’s important that you act upon it. Stuff doesn’t just happen – we need to respond too. It’s how we get inspired and inspiring stuff leads to changes that can improve our health and wellbeing.
Over the last 3 years, despite a pretty healthy diet (I don’t do ‘diets’ by the way) and regularly exercising my weight has increased and I’ve noticed my energy levels getting less too. I thought it could be post-menopause related and, after an awful experience with a menopause consultant whilst I was unwell (I would’ve cancelled but that would’ve cost me £250!), I trialled HRT and found that awful too. And stopped it.
During this time, I’ve faced a myriad of other challenges (we’ve also all navigated Covid let’s not forget!) and was so up to my eyes with stuff that I simply couldn’t take on something that would require loads of time, in my opinion, to investigate. I let it lie. I knew that, aside from the occasional microwave meal I would always cook and eat good meals that I created for myself and Gareth, and, that we were running, cycling, swimming, and going to yoga. So aside from my clothes feeling uncomfortable and going up a dress size, I figured I was healthy, and accepted it for what it was.
My desire was, once we’d got ourselves a bit more established, and settled in our new home, had had our much-needed ‘flop and drop’ holiday, and new kitchen, to start focusing on the fuel that I was putting into my body in terms of food. To be more focused on creating even healthier food, and to hopefully loose a little weight, and feel less tired too. Yes, I’m 58 but that is still no age in today’s world and that mid-afternoon slump has been hitting Gareth, who’s younger than me, too.
I work on my body, my mind, my spirit and cook good food but something felt out of kilter.
Healthy Food Habits
Last week, during my free online group coaching workshop, Sarah, one of the attendees, recommended a book to us all by the Glucose Goddess, Jessie Inchauspé (a biochemist who has over 2 million followers on Instagram).
She shared briefly what the book was about; the impact that glucose has on our health and well-being. She also added that it wasn’t just for diabetics, as she wasn’t a diabetic herself, and that it had made a real difference to how she felt. As a yoga teacher with mindset and health as her focus her recommendation was all I really needed to investigate further.
I headed to Amazon, checked it out, placed my order and it arrived on Saturday, and I’ve pretty much read it from cover to cover already. It makes for very interesting reading. The book has evolved from hacks she shared on Instagram and follows the success of her first book, Glucose Revolution.
I love the information and have gained loads of inspiration from the simple hacks she shares along with some brilliant, easy to create, meals.
This book focuses on 4 key hacks and helps you to implement them over a four-week period.
We’ve gone all out and have started to implement 3 stages from the off.
Well, the first recommendation, is having a tablespoon of vinegar in your diet daily. I’ve been doing this for years and drink Apple Cider Vinegar with The Mother in my pint of lemon and ginger water first thing in the morning – Gareth does the same now too. So we’ve already established that routine.
The second key area is to avoid sugary breakfasts and kick start with a savoury breakfast. Yesterday we had scrambled eggs on sour dough toast with pan fried (in olive oil) cherry tomatoes (that needed eating up). Today we had halloumi and spinach which had been cooked in garlic and ginger, garam masala and chilli. It was yummy.
Her third key hack is to move after you’ve eaten for 10 minutes within a 90-minute window. Which again, for us is easy to implement. It simply means don’t just sit down after eating – she’s not suggesting that you run a marathon!
And the next stage, which I will be implementing today is having a veggie starter to one or two meals per day … can be raw or cooked as apparently it puts a mesh down into your stomach that stops unnecessary glucose from being absorbed.
As you can see, it really is quite simple. Its not a diet. You don’t give up anything, you simply do things differently. Early days yet, but I didn’t have a mid-afternoon slump or have any cravings yesterday and although I ate the biscuit that Gareth gave me, I could quite easily have not eaten it. I simply need to form new habits of saying no.
Time will tell as to whether my clothes start to feel more comfortable, however, the focus for me is to feel better within myself, to stop feeling that slump, and to keep on enjoying life.

Healthy Habits – Sandringham parkrun
Keeping Active – Healthy Habits
At the weekend we did parkrun and boot camp on the beach and enjoyed a lovely walk along a different beach too. Plus, loads of gardening. I need to keep my energy levels up.
And I love cooking and creating tasty food.
Our bodies need looking after – its imperative that we take care of ourselves; mind, body, and spirit, it’s all about what we feed it with.
And in terms of inspiration and motivation, if you’re interested, I’m delighted to report that my fourth course on Insight Timer is now live and has already had a 5-star review – whoop, whoop. Embrace Change & Create the Life You Desire Following Separation or Divorce

Time out on Old Hunstanton beach
Top tips
Take time to stop and breathe.
Go with the flow, if something feels like a struggle, stop trying to control it / the outcome.
Check out what you’re eating. I hadn’t associated my mid-afternoon slumps with my porridge / muesli breakfast!
Move often. And find time to exercise too – it’s so good for your mind, body and soul.
Trust and believe that everything is working out wonderfully.
When pushed simply surrender, let go, and let things take their natural course – stop trying to control the outcome and see what happens.
And, finally, if you’d like to know how you can improve your life and overall wellbeing with some transformational changes then please do get in touch and book your free chat today.