The Norfolk Coastal Coach – Coaching Mindset & Lifestyle Changes
Loving Life
Welcome you to my blog, and I hope you enjoy reading my posts.
Thoughts, ideas and experiences continually pop into my head. I therefore thought a blog would be a great way to share my insights and wisdom with you.
They’re an invitation to get to know more about me, what I do, and also how I think. I hope that they will inspire you, challenge you, inform you, serve you and maybe even lead you towards making some small shifts in your life so that you start to view the world differently. And maybe even to adapt your behaviour to get the results that you desire in your life. Who knows, some of what I write about may resonate with you, and you will find yourself mindfully considering who you are and who you are becoming. And, of course, whether you want to make changes to alter the outcome. All food for thought!
I love sharing how I change my responses to situations because, despite the challenges that are regularly thrust my way in both my business and personal life, I want to ensure that I generally feel positive at all times. That is how love living my life.
On a personal level I also love expressing myself creatively through my blog journey and having lots of fun and laughs along the way. I hope you will share in this, and be able to laugh along with me too – when what I am writing is humorous preferably!
A Coaching Mindset
It’s a mixed up, funny old world, and we are all different. We all experience the world in a different way – no two people having what looks like the exact same experience will experience it in the same way.
We are unique.
We can all learn from each other.
And be inspired by each other too.
Over the couple of decades my life has changed dramatically. I’ve taken steps at all junctures to learn and evolve as a person, hopefully, and for all intents and purposes, for the better. I’m always happy to be open and to share details of my life at appropriate and relevant times, as long as they don’t have a negative impact on those around me … I’m constantly mindful of all I say, think and do. It is so important.
I look forward to sharing my thoughts and experiences, as well as the bits of wisdom that I pick up along the way.
I hope that in some way my words plant seeds that will germinate and flourish in ways that enhance your life – we’re all on a journey of learning, so let’s learn together …
And please do get in touch with your stories and insights too. You can reach me via my email or via my Calendly link.